Graduation Projects

Elizarov NikitaThe entropy of tropical recurrent sequences(not set)Published2021
Elahi WaqasTrade facilitation in the WTO: problems and solutions(not set)No consent for publication2022
Aristov IvanLegal status of transport organisations(not set)Published2022
Rastorgueva IrinaImplementation of a risk-oriented approach in the legal regulation of insurance companies in the Russian Federation(not set)Published2022
Eliseeva AnastasiaGreening the agro-industrial complex of the Chelyabinsk region: the main trends(not set)Published2022
Berezhnoy MikhailLegal regulation of bankruptcy of insurance organizations(not set)Published2023
Kovylkov AndreiLegal regime of investment using the investment platforms in Russia(not set)Published2023
Fedorova ElizavetaThe estimation of heatwave risks for St Petersburg under climate change(not set)Published2023
Abdyzhalalova MeerimaiTranslation and interpretation features of economic cliché phrases in the modern English-language media discourse(not set)No consent for publication2023
Kovaleva EkaterinaTranslation of non-equivalent vocabulary in the field of business and management(not set)Published2023
Kurilo IuliiaComparative analysis of English and Russian business discourse: A case study of the Internet communication(not set)No consent for publication2023
Li YiranCategory of politeness in linguistic and cultural tradition of business and management(not set)Published2023
Zakharenkova VarvaraMethods of Constructing Paternity in Soviet and Contemporary Children's Literature(not set)No consent for publication2021
Kozlenko ElizavetaRestoration of a plaster figure for a competition design for the monument to Maxim Gorky in Leningrad (The State Museum of Urban Sculpture)(not set)No consent for publication2022
Li AngMonk(not set)No consent for publication2022
Lu ZairanPeople of ancient Tibet(not set)No consent for publication2022
Luneva EvdokiiaDevelopment and improvement of public space: a case study of Dudergofsky Canal embankment in St.Petersburg(not set)Published2022
Pavlova DariaRestoration of a plaster bust "Spanish Boy". The State Museum of Urban Sculpture(not set)Published2022
Smelkova VladaCinema "Festival": a concept for developing a youth and teenage centre in the Vyborgsky District of St.Petersburg(not set)Published2022
Wu FangjieRefugees(not set)No consent for publication2022
Showing 1-20 of 40,897 items.