Graduation Projects

Psychological characteristics of girls who are under the risk for developing eating disordersTrombchinski Petr KrystianNo consent for publication2023
Ababkova AnastasiiaData mining for risk assessment of external bank auditZaboev Mikhail VаlerevichNo consent for publication2016
Abadia Rojas Cesar GlovannyA policy for construction of a stable and lasting peace in post-conflict countries: A holistic approachTsvetkova Natalia АleksаndrovnаNo consent for publication2018
Abadzhidi DariaThe images of Man in Arthur Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation"Korotkov Dmitrii MikhаilovichPublished2016
Abakarov AbdullaOn effect of crack system symmetry on mechanical properties of a solidPronina Iuliia GrigorevnаNo consent for publication2022
Abakarov AbdullaDevelopment of finite element program complex for modelling  stress-strain body stateSedova Olga SergeevnаNo consent for publication2019
Abakhtimova DariaThe Political Aspect of the Implementation of the Nord Stream ProjectMarkushina Natalia IurevnаNo consent for publication2023
Abakumov SergeiUse of "market price" to quantify the amount of unjustified gain by the taxpayerKamenkov Maksim VаlerevichPublished2018
Abalakova PolinaSales Performance Improvement of Velodrive Company Using Geoanalytical MethodsTushkаnovа Olgа NikolаevnаPublished2023
Abalov IgorOn certain aspects of the competition between court jurisdictions in cross-border civil casesBakhin Sergei VlаdimirovichNo consent for publication2016
Abamelikova AnnaThe evolution of French policy towards the USA in the late 20th and early 21st centuriesGudalov Nikolai NikolаevichNo consent for publication2021
Abanina AnnaThe activities of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany in Germany: Organisation of peaceful life. 1945 – 1949Khodiakov Mikhail ViktorovichPublished2017
Abapolnikova AnnaCapital Buffer and Economic Cycles: Evidence from Russian Banking SectorPustovalova Tatiana АleksаndrovnаNo consent for publication2018
Abarina SvetlanaThe effect of "empathy fatigue" in the Russian media audienceBodrunova Svetlana SergeevnаPublished2024
Abarnikova NataliaViktor Pelevin's works in the context of the 19th century Russian literature: The poetics of the fantasticMovnina Natalia SаvelevnаNo consent for publication2017
Abarnikova NataliiaStructure and syntax of secondary texts: A case study of the online publications on fanfics.meViatkinа Svetlаnа VаdimovnаNo consent for publication2019
Abasheva KseniiaBody scheme and its psychophysiological correlatesBalin Viktor DmitrievichNo consent for publication2016
Abashkina OlgaVerbal means of expressing evaluation in the German series "Türkisch für Anfänger" ("Turkish for Beginners") and ways of translating them into RussianGrigoreva Liubov NikolаevnаPublished2022
Abasova SaidaLinguistic representation of a hero and transdiscursivity in post-colonial English proseShcherbak Nina FeliksovnаPublished2022
Abazova RaminaDesigning a product promotion strategyKrylova Iuliia VlаdimirovnаNo consent for publication2023
Showing 1-20 of 46,573 items.

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